Thursday, September 16, 2010

Little Black Dress...Timeless.

. . . little peek-a-boo sheer . . . Tantilizing.

. . . little penis earrings . . . Tasteless.

But I bet she's going to "make it work" for her later tonight.


  1. Into Roscoe's. Maybe she thought they would be bait? I had hope. My God. I live on it. Anyway, she ended up disappointing me more than, (slight pause) more than any of the other silly girls.

  2. Speaking from a straight girls perspective:

    Sometimes you feel a little out of place being the only one in the crowd without a penis. She just found a very creative way to get past that. I wish I'd thought of it...

  3. hey Dash, sounds like we need to take Judy on a little shopping trip to Tulip and Batteries Not Included for a "plethora of penis paraphernalia"

  4. You'll have to get me drunk first...(like that's an issue)
