Saturday, February 5, 2011

Only in Chicago . . .

Now personally, I think this might be a great idea . . . but I detest screeching infants in public.  So I may not be objective in this case.

Instead, let's think about what might have been going on in the mind of this individual, shall we?

Thought #1:
"Junior is all grown up so we don't need this gets one more thing out of the basement."
"It get's one more piece of crap out of my basement."  (Because you know that thing is staying out there until spring.  Neighbors will be lucky if it makes it into the dumpster by June.)

Thought #2:
"People will think there is a baby in this & they will NEVER take THIS parking spot."
They aren't too bright if they truly believe someone will think a baby is inside & just drive by.

Thought #3:
"This is funny!  The crazy lady next door will freak!  And it will save our parking spot, anyway."
Translation:  Yes - it IS funny.  But the looney bin next door will not only take the parking spot, but she's calling the police to report her neighbor for leaving a baby outside to be stolen.

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